Thursday, July 29, 2010

First Ultrasound Appointment Layout

I tend to not put my scrapbooks together in any order. When I first have a set of pictures, I will go through and identify all the different layouts that I want to make with them and the general order for those layouts. I make those notes on a legal pad along with any initial thoughts I have about the embellishments and format for the layouts.

Then I pick something that jumps out and inspires me and start there. Because I generally (one current exception which I'll discuss later) use top loading, post bound scrapbooking albums, I can rearrange if needed to put the layouts in a different order.

Here is my first layout from the Baby C album. It is from our first ultrasound appointment.

The layout comes from a crop I went to with a lady who sells Close to My Heart ( I usually build layouts around the pictures that are going into the layout but she builds the layout first and then picks the pictures later. It means that I have a bunch of layouts that I created with her that I am just waiting for the perfect pictures to pop up. I don't like to do it that way but it was a lot of fun getting together with other ladies who enjoy scrapbooking and I will eventually find a use for all the layouts that I created.

Since it was a Close to My Heart crop, all of the materials are Close to My Heart. I know that I need to get better at paying attention to all of the materials that I use on a layout if I am going to blog about it so I will work on that.  I also need to figure out how to get better shots of the layouts so that they have better color to them and you can see all the structural elements. I will work on that as well!

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